YouTube Marketing

What is YouTube marketing?

YouTube marketing is a strategy that involves creating videos and uploading them on YouTube to promote a brand or a product and gain more exposure. It helps companies boost traffic, increase their customer base, and reach new audiences.

 In this article, we will discuss why YouTube is an effective marketing tool and evaluate its benefits. We'll also provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a YouTube marketing strategy and offer some tips.

YouTube marketing

Why is YouTube an effective marketing tool?

With 22.8 billion visits per month making YouTube the second most visited website in the world after Google, it can bring many benefits to businesses these days. The platform is not only a famous entertainment channel but also a powerful marketing tool and companies can create YouTube channels for advertising. YouTube channels help to get more views from new geographies, promote a product or company, build a large customer base and increase brand sales volume.

YouTube is also a well-known educational platform. Companies can gain more exposure, which will expand their customer base. With in-depth tutorials, live streams, guides and lessons, brands can rank higher on Google. Running ads is another reason why companies use the online video sharing platform as it helps brands reach a wider audience and gain new customers. In addition, it is much cheaper than paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

Now that you know why YouTube is considered an effective marketing tool, it's time to discover its main benefits.

Benefits of YouTube Marketing:

The platform can serve as one of the most effective marketing channels. Optimizing keywords in titles and creating tutorials, comments, product reviews, Q&As, and video playlists allows businesses to gain more exposure and reach new audiences. Brands cannot predict who will access their videos and when. If the content contains the necessary keywords in the title and description, all the people who are looking for information can come across a certain video, stay on the channel and buy the product that it advertises. In addition, adding watermarks and company logos to videos allows businesses to improve brand awareness.

Videos appear in Google search results, giving companies more visibility and the opportunity to bring in more leads. After exploring your content on YouTube, potential customers can visit your website to learn more about your products. Your videos will remain on the video sharing platform as long as they comply with its guidelines and policies.

Being an international company, YouTube allows brands around the world to break into new geographies. The platform helps to attract potential customers from different countries who speak the same language.

The key advantage of YouTube is that it provides a chance to promote your company effectively. A business can do this by creating and publishing content on their channel or running pre-video ads on the platform to gain audience attention.

If you want to quickly reach viewers and gain their loyalty to your YouTube channel, you need to develop your strategy and the steps below will help you do that.

How to Create a YouTube Marketing Strategy?

YouTube provides countless opportunities for businesses. With a massive user base, companies can effectively promote their products. Let's find out how to create a YouTube marketing strategy and implement it for your brand.

  1. Create a YouTube channel. You can use your regular Google account to create a channel. However, you will be the only person who can log in. If you need an account that allows access to multiple users at the same time, you should create a brand account. You can start multiple YouTube channels with its help.
  2. Research your target audience. Before you create videos, you need to analyze your YouTube demographics. Research the location, age and preferences of your target audience to meet user needs. You will be able to create useful content based on the wants and needs of your target audience. Gather all the essential information about the videos that people like to watch the most. In case you already have a YouTube business account, explore its analytics. It will give you more information about your audience's preferences. Analyze comments, ask questions or create a poll to learn more about your subscribers' interests and wishes.
  3. Do a competitive analysis. YouTube is a big platform with many business accounts around the world and the competition is high. By analyzing your business rivals, you have a chance to determine the opportunities your channel has. First, identify your 3-5 most successful competitors. To do this, you can use keyword suggestion tools to find out which brands are ranking highest based on keywords related to your industry. Pay attention to their metrics, titles, descriptions and comments below the videos to find useful information and inspiration. Second, you should identify your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and a SWOT analysis will help you do that.
  4. Create videos based on the YouTube algorithm. YouTube has its own ranking algorithm. If you want to rank high, you should create recognizable thumbnails (frames of your videos), optimize titles and descriptions, and use keywords. It will help you get priority over other channels and videos and also get more views. To write a strong title, include appropriate keywords. Open YouTube Analytics, find these words and phrases and add them to your titles. Don't forget to use keywords at the beginning. Additionally, type a name that is 60 characters or less. In order to write a summary of your video, you should use the most important keywords in the description. To motivate users to take a desired action, add calls to action in the form of a card, end screen, watermark, or micro spot. Finally, encourage people to like, comment, subscribe and share.
  5. Start uploading content to your channel. Make a schedule to upload videos in time. This way viewers will know when a new video is coming. Make sure you choose the day and time with the highest level of engagement and impressions. If you have already uploaded some videos, you can check the statistics and determine the most suitable date to upload new videos.
  6. Provide all necessary information on your channel. To make searches easier, you need to optimize your channel. There are a few steps you should consider to help users find you faster. First, fill out your profile. Don't forget to fill in the channel description, upload your logo and use channel graphics. In addition, you can also add your other channels or resources that can help subscribers. Second, make sure your feed includes links to your website and social media profiles. Third, create a trailer for your YouTube channel to introduce your company to viewers and educate them about your product. Communicate your brand statement and explain to users why they should subscribe to your channel.
  7. Promote your videos. Your videos can gain attention if their titles contain relevant keywords. Consider creating accounts on various social networks with quality and interesting videos. It will attract more attention and promote word of mouth. There are many different effective ways to inform your subscribers about new content on your channel. With Send Pulse, you can create a subscriber list and schedule email notifications to users about new business videos.
  8. Consider influencer marketing. Opinion leaders have a large number of followers who might be interested in your product. It is always good to contact influencers who work in the same field and are ready to promote your company and products. You can offer them cooperation because 49% of customers trust influencer recommendations.
  9. Measure your success. Once you've uploaded your first video, it's important to track your progress. This way you will be aware of your appreciations and failures. YouTube Analytics makes this process easy. Open it to see changes in subscriber count, audience demographics, traffic sources, and device insights. The information you receive will help your channel move forward. Knowing more about your audience will help you improve your content and meet their needs.

 Now that you're familiar with the process of developing a YouTube strategy, it's time to explore the most effective tools to implement it.

Top 5 YouTube Marketing Tools:

If you want to create a great channel and get subscribers and views, you should use some useful tools.


To attract more subscribers, you need to create YouTube thumbnails and feature images that stand out. Canva is one of the most suitable platforms to help you with this. With its drag-and-drop editor, you can design any image and get new customers. It contains a large number of templates that can help you create a new video for your YouTube channel.

Check out the Canva editor for creating different types of YouTube thumbnails.

Canva - YouTube marketing

Free plan: 30-day trial.

Paid plan: From $12.99 per month for up to five users.

Keyword tool

YouTube works on the same principle as Google, ranking videos based on keywords, titles and descriptions. That's why you need the right tool. The keyword suggestion tool helps to optimize videos and increase their ranking. As a result, the number of views and popularity of your channel increases significantly.

You can see the keywords you can use for videos on your YouTube channel.

keyword tool - YouTube marketing

Free plan: Available forever with limitations (you can't see search volume, trend, CPC (USD) and competition).

Paid plan: From $69 per month for one user, billed annually.


BuzzSumo is a great YouTube marketing tool that helps you create quality content and develop more ideas and useful videos that will bring value to your viewers. In addition to a great content strategy, you will also find influencers who can effectively promote your channel or company on YouTube. After uploading your videos, BuzzSumo helps you track the performance of your content.

Below you can see how to search for content topics using relevant keywords and analyze the results.

buzzsumo - YouTube marketing

Free plan: 30-day trial.

Paid plan: From $99 per month for five users.


This browser extension helps you quickly optimize your content with keyword research, A/B testing, templates and comment filters. Its video SEO tools allow you to translate your video title and description into other languages ​​to increase your viewership. TubeBuddy's Keyword Explorer allows you to use the right keywords and rank higher in search results. In addition, this browser extension also has A/B video testing feature to test your titles, tags, descriptions and thumbnails.

tubebuddy - YouTube marketing

Free plan: Available forever.

Paid plan: From $7.20 per month for one user, billed annually.


Agora pulse allows you to communicate with people from multiple YouTube accounts. Therefore, there is no need to constantly switch accounts and check for new notifications. You can also manage comments under your videos and automatically ban them if you notice spam or inappropriate comments. Agora pulse also allows people to track social media users' reactions to your videos and schedule your posts.

Here you can see what the process of publishing or scheduling content for your YouTube channel looks like with Agora pulse.

agoraplus - YouTube marketing

Free plan: 30-day trial for one user and three social media profiles.

Paid plan: From $79 per month for two users and ten social profiles, billed annually.

Now that you know the best YouTube marketing strategy tools, it's time to explore some great tips to reach a large audience and get more views.

3 YouTube Marketing Tips

There are many ways to improve brand exposure and engagement and promote your channel to increase viewership. Let's find out how.

  1. Come up with eye-catching titles. The main aim of creating an engaging heading is to attract new subscribers to your channel. Try brainstorming to develop a captivating title to encourage users to open and watch your YouTube video. It’s a great idea to use question-based titles or include hyperboles to increase your number of views. Some people turn to a conversational tone of voice to be closer to their target audience. You can also use “best-of” and “how-to” at the beginning of your heading. However, clickbait headlines are a terrible idea since they often mislead users.
  2. Research your viewers’ needs and wants. To get more views, make sure that your content meets the needs of your audience. You should know your viewers well to produce quality videos and provide solutions. In case you are just starting your channel, take a look at your competitors and the videos that make subscribers satisfied. Look through the videos that gain the highest level of engagement, views, likes, and comments. This way, you’ll be able to find the topics and types of videos people like to watch.
  3. Get ready with your thumbnails. Besides a killer title, you should also create an excellent thumbnail to grab more customer attention. To prevent YouTube from using a blurry screenshot as your thumbnail, you should come up with your own. To make the most out of it, be sure to include titles that communicate value, use a clear font, an original and relevant image, and be consistent.

Congratulations, you are now familiar with YouTube marketing and its benefits. Use our step-by-step guide and tips to create an excellent strategy for your company. With SendPulse, you can promote your videos, provide your viewers with a link to a how-to video, or invite them to your webinars using our chatbot builder or bulk email service.


  1. This article provides readers with the best YouTube marketing tools.
  2. In this article, you’ll find some valuable tips on how to develop a YouTube marketing strategy.
  3. This article unveils the most important facts about YouTube marketing.